Supporting our Pupils

Here at Salcombe Preparatory School, we value the fact that pupils bring to school different experiences and strengths that influence the way they learn. We are committed to identifying each pupil’s individual learning needs and we offer provision that is flexible and varied to ensure that children work at age-related expectations or above and achieve their personal potential, whatever their needs and abilities.

The Learning Support at our school is UniversalTargeted or Specialist depending on each child’s needs. Each type of support provision focuses on two main aspects: Academic: Learning and Pastoral: Wellbeing.


Quality first teaching for all

Learning: This is the quality first teaching your child will receive from his/her class or subject teacher in the classroom. It may include task adaptations to match learning needs or focussed work and support within lessons.

Wellbeing: Every classroom has a form period and time to talk. Teachers use a variety of different emotional check-in systems such as worry boxes, so that students can share concerns or how they are feeling with their class teacher. Weekly assemblies and the school councils are two other useful tools to hear the pupils’ voice.


Additional interventions to enable children to work at age-related expectations or above

Learning: Some children may need extra support at any point in their learning process. We offer specific, additional and time-limited interventions for children who need help to accelerate their progress. These may take place in the classroom or outside of the classroom in the form of workshops targeting a group of pupils with similar needs. Workshops include EAL (language support), fine motor skills, phonics, reading, reading comprehension, writing, maths and working memory.

Wellbeing: A member of our Senior Management Team is always at the gate in the mornings to greet students and provide parents with an opportunity to discuss concerns that have arisen at home. We also facilitate regular targeted emotional and social check-ins for our pupils to monitor those who need some extra support. We use our Voice of the Student surveys and our AS tracker to monitor pupils’ wellbeing.


Additional highly personalised interventions

Learning: This is targeted provision for a small percentage of children who either require a high level of additional support or specialised provision in order to address their needs. It may be necessary to seek specialist advice and regular long-term support from a professional outside of the school in order to plan for the best possible learning outcomes.

Wellbeing: A reduced number of children may need more focused support to build up their self- esteem, confidence or social relationship skills. Using the detailed data gathered from our AS Tracker we write detailed action plans which can include directing children and their families to a series of short workshops, tailored to the needs of small groups of students, based on the principles of cognitive behaviour therapy.


Student Support Team

Salcombe Preparatory School has an experienced student support team, formed by a range of specialists and learning assistants who provide in-class support, workshops and highly personalised learning support. This is led by our SENDCo, Mrs Bradley.

The team is committed to provide students with academic, emotional and social support whenever necessary. This includes both students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) which make learning harder for them than for other children of their age, and also exceptionally able students who have the ability to shine, consistently performing, or capable of performing, at a level significantly ahead of their peer group in one or more areas.

The team is overseen by the Headmistress who works in close collaboration with the teaching team and the Safeguarding Leads. In addition, the team utilises their learning assistants in different areas, so they may support children in or out of the classroom setting, individually or in small groups.

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