Admissions Enquiries: 020 8441 5356

Inspection Reports

ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection Report

February 2023


The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI), rated Hendon Prep as ‘excellent’ in January 2023. The inspection report concluded that the quality of the pupil’s academic and other achievements is excellent and the quality of the pupils’ personal development is also excellent.

A double “excellent” is the highest possible outcome for a school during an Educational Quality Inspection.

We are so proud of what the inspectors said about our school and in particular that they recognised that “The school meets its aim to stretch and challenge pupils to achieve the best they can as individual learners”.

Highlights from the inspection are:
  • “Pupils of all ages and abilities achieve well and make excellent progress from their varied starting points, well above the national averages.”

  • “Pupils demonstrate excellent levels of skill, knowledge and understanding beyond their chronological age, supported by effective teaching and appropriate curriculum planning.”

  • “Pupils’ self-confidence and self-esteem are highly developed, and they are well prepared for senior schools.”

  • “Pupils’ respect for each other’s differences and deep appreciation of the school’s cultural diversity is a strength of the school.”

Salcombe Preparatory School

Admissions Enquiries:020 8441 5356